Ally Hunter

Mortgage and Protection Adviser
Ally has worked in Financial Services since 2000, in a variety of sectors including Insurance, Pensions, Fund Accounting and Custody. Ally’s background is in project and relationship-based roles working closely with Institutional clients to meet business demands. In 2021, Ally received his certificate in Mortgage Advice and Practise (CeMAP) which paved the way for him to join Carnegie Mortgage and Protection as a Mortgage and Protection adviser. Ally is motivated to help First time buyers, home movers, self-employed clients, anyone seeking a re-mortgage or those seeking to start or build up their portfolio of property investments. In addition, Ally is keen to ensure clients are adequately protected in their homes and will review, recommend and put in place suitable mortgage related insurance including Life and Critical Illness cover, Income Protection and Business Protection specific to individual client needs.
Telephone: 07714214767